Upload Artwork

/Upload Artwork

Upload Artwork HereUploadFileHERE

You can upload your file right here. You can upload a file for evaluation or a quote on the number of colors or to find out if the file will work. You can also upload the file here for a firm separation order. Make sure to including the shirt color(s), the final physical size of the image, any important information, how many colors you can (or want) to print, and if you can read the final returned file as a Photoshop PSD file that you can print to a RIP for halftones or if you need the seps as individual pre-halftoned files that you can output in Corel or Illustrator. 

If the upload is for an order then make sure to place the order at our ORDER page. We don’t schedule a separation job until an order is placed and paid for. If the upload is for evaluation we will get back to you within 24 hours or less.

Quick note to first time users: Please help speed up the process and eliminate back and forth emails. If you send a file we will assume it is the correct physical size. We are not mind readers and if we have to re-do the seps because the size was wrong there is a charge. If the file is a low quality bitmap zoom in on it in your favorite graphic program to see what we will see. Give us as much information as possible. If sending a Corel or Adobe Illustrator file make sure the fonts are converted to curves/objects. 



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