Separation Support
If you need help or support with color separations please send email to with details about the problems or issues. You can also call us between the hours of 8:30am to 5:00pm Mountain Standard Time. Please note that in the summer Arizona does not change to daylight savings time and is the same time as Pacific Time (California). Keep in mind that we have a limited staff and you may have to leave a message. Email is always a quicker way to get support and our email is monitored even after business hours and on weekend. We try to respond to support questions in a timely manner because we realize you might be on-press and have an immediate change or tweak needed. Even though our support hours are during the week, like most small companies, we check email at all hours of the day and on weekends.
T-Biz Network International
Scottsdale, Arizona USA
Mountain Standard Time
Main Phone: 480-212-1078
Toll Free (US Only) 1/888-801-1561
Support Tips:
Weak or Washed out print
Support for separations falls into a couple of categories. Typical support is when the seps seem washed out or with weak colors. This often happens with first time users who are not proficient at holding all the halftone dots. If you have never done high-end printing before then your screen makers might not be familiar with exposing fine halftone dots on a high mesh screen. If you "lose dots" then any highlight areas will simply not end up on the shirt and the print will be weak. If you are new to this type of printing (high mesh counts and small halftone dots) refer to the Screen Printing Tips link for suggestions and ideas on how to do high-end printing.
Heavy Print
We recommend high mesh counts for high-end separations but often a printer will not have these. If we recommend a 305 for the top colors on a dark shirt an you use 156 (because that is the highest you have) you are laying down almost twice as much ink. You need to try to keep to the recommended mesh count.
Print that is not Sharp
This can happen when the original artwork is not sharp. We try to do the best we can with low quality JPG files and if the files it not good we will normally tell you before we do the seps that they may not be crisp and sharp.
Missing Areas
Occasionally subtle areas might not be as bold as you like or colors might be off. This can happen during the separation process and it is always possible that these areas were so weak that they simply would not hold on a screen.
Colors Off
Colors can be off at times. We do the best we can to call out the best Pantone match but often the color on the monitor is not exactly the same as the color on the original artwork. Colors can shift when moving files between different programs. If your job has critical Pantone matches then you need to make sure to verify the exact color. When we are not sure if the color we pick is the exact color (typically when it is a specific logo color) we will note in the Channel header "Verify this color."
Colors can also be off if we have to reduce the color count. If the job calls for a six color print but there are a lot of key colors, we have to try to make those colors from other colors. This means there are compromises on certain colors. If we have to compromise we always try to either let you know or try to compromise on non-critical colors.
Job Re-Works or Tweaks
Every now and then we might have to re-work a job. If the re-work is because of artwork changes or because of wrong (or lack of) information – we charge for the re-work. But, sometimes a color just might need to be tweaked based on your knowledge of the customer and the job. We try to do re-works/tweaks in a very timely fashion so you don't lose press time and we normally don't charge for separation tweaks.